Final International University | Final International University Library Participates in ANKOSLink 2017 Conference

Final International University Library Participates in ANKOSLink 2017 Conference

Final International University recently participated in the ANKOSLink 2017 Conference. ANKOS – the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium is the largest organization of libraries in Turkey. The 2017 conference was held in Maritime Pine Resort Hotel in Belek near Antalya between 5-8 April with the main theme of Changes in Learning-Teaching and Libraries. Over 500 participants from 17 different countries attended and 57 organisations, institutions and universities were represented. Final International University was represented by the Director of the FIU Library, Mr. Halil Ercan, who took advantage of the event to meet publishers, obtain information about new library technologies, and lay the groundwork to bring new resources to the FIU Library.

Final International University Follows 40 Presentations

Presentations at the conference provided information on new technological facilities, library security systems, databases and electronic publications in the field of librarianship, as well as many other innovations. Final International University Library Director, Mr Halil Ercan was able to participate in around 40 events.

Halil Ercan And The Development of FIU Tangül Çağaner Library

Throughout the conference, Mr  Ercan  was able to meet representatives of different universities and publishers and assess ways of developing Final International University Library in accordance with the requirements of the time, thus providing students and the community with an enhanced service. Mr Ercan noted that the libraries were the heart of universities and would always be involved in such events.